Countries you can find cheap flights:

Countries you can usually find cheap flights to from the US:

  1. Mexico: Flights to destinations like Cancun, Mexico City, and Guadalajara are often quite affordable due to proximity and high demand.
  2. Canada: Cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal are often accessible with competitive fares, especially from major US cities.
  3. Colombia: Bogota and Medellin are popular destinations with good prices from several US cities.
  4. Costa Rica: San Jose and Liberia are cheap destinations from the US, with plenty of airline options and direct flights.
  5. Dominican Republic: Punta Cana and Santo Domingo often have attractive fares from various parts of the US.
  6. Jamaica: Montego Bay and Kingston are accessible with cheap direct flights from many US cities.
  7. Puerto Rico: San Juan is an affordable and convenient destination for Americans, as it does not require a passport and has many direct flights.
  8. Spain: Madrid and Barcelona often have cheap flights, especially with low-cost airlines and during promotional seasons.
  9. United Kingdom: London can be an accessible destination with competitive fares, especially outside of the peak tourist season.
  10. Ireland: Dublin is another European destination with good flight deals from the US, especially with low-cost airlines.
  11. Portugal: Lisbon and Porto are accessible with reasonable fares, and special promotions are often available.
  12. Iceland: Reykjavik is a destination that frequently has cheap flights due to the presence of low-cost airlines such as Icelandair and WOW Air.
  13. El Salvador: San Salvador is a destination with direct and affordable flights from several US cities.
  14. Panama: Panama City offers competitive fares and is a major hub in Latin America.
  15. Ecuador: Quito and Guayaquil often have affordable prices from the US.

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